Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ready Bag

-> What is a READY Bag?

A READY Bag contains a collection of essential items that will help you in an emergency.

-> The basic things a Ready Bag should have .
  • the Civil Defence Emergency Handbook ,
  • a radio-torch-lite, and
  • a document case for important information, such as photocopies of identity cards of household members, and essential contact numbers.
  • Depending on your own individual needs, various items could be included, such as personal medication or a basic medical kit, and even biscuits and bottled water.
  • (for medical information), it should consist of critical information such as any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies and any special medications you are taking.

-> If a disaster was to hit Singapore, how can the READY Bag help me to survive?

The READY Bag will not help you to survive every emergency.

If a sudden earthquake or tsunami were to affect Singapore, there is very little households can do to prevent or pre-empt it, beyond being alert and getting out of disaster’s way.

For emergencies such as blackouts, the radio-torch-light suggested for the READY Bag will offer light and access to information. If you put biscuits and bottled water in the READY Bag, they can be some form of rations in the meantime before emergency responders arrive.

Done by : Alfi , Danial , Jannah , Riduan , Faruq

Community Bonding Day

"Readiness is OUR only Protection"

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) holds an event called Community Bonding Day . 
Through these , public will educated on hands-on skills such as CPR , Fire Extinguisher and First-Aid .
Public will be taught in a fun way where people will be able to understand better and absorb more easily . 
It is important that the public should know these skills as it is can save someone's life and a become a secondary help to the rescue team . As the public are educated on these skills , they are able to spread these knowledge to their families and friends where people will be able to react more readily when there is a emergency . 

Try your hands on the fire extinguisher *squirt*Done by : Alfi , Danial , Jannah , Riduan , Faruq

Emergency Preparedness Day

As a civilian , all of us can play a part to help our country save .
But how do you help when you do not know the skills ?

The National Fire and Civil Emergency Preparedness Council (NFEC) holds an event called Emergency Preparedness Day . Through this , the public will be educated on the dangers of fire , proper use of emergency services and the importance of emergency preparedness . We can also help to spread these messages among our family members and friends so that they are aware of the dangers and will also be able to react in a proper manner when there is emergency . 

Done by : Alfi , Danial , Jannah , Riduan , Faruq

Civil Defence (5 Pt.)

Recently , we taught our friends and families the basic measures of fire prevention .

We had a list of what we had taught our friends ;
- How to prevent fire from happening (e.g. Not letting kids play with fire , etc)
- Try to atleast have a fire extinguisher at home (To put out small fire)
- When cooking , do not leave the fire unattended
- Make sure there is no flammable materials near the cooking area .
- Do not leave unwanted things outside of corridor as it may cause blockage when trying to evacuate from a fire .
- Do not leave the sockets on when not in use .
- Remove all two-pin plugs when not in use .

This are the measures which we had taught our friends and family members . Thank You .

Done by : Alfi , Danial , Jannah , Riduan , Faruq

Total Defence Guide Book

What Is Total Defence ?
Total Defence is about the different things that we can do everyday
in every sector of our society to strengthen our resilience as a nation.
When we take National Service seriously, participate in civil emergency
exercises, upgrade our skills, build strong bonds with different races and
religions, and feel the pride of being Singaporean, we contribute to Total Defence .

What Is the 5 pillar of Total Defence ?
The 5 pillar of Total Defence Consist of ;
Military Defence ;
Civil Defence ;
Economic Defence ;
Social Defence and ;
Psychological Defence .

Military Defence
"Singaporeans keeping Singapore secure"
The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is a strong defence force that is
able to deter anyone from thinking of attacking the country. The SAF
draws its strength from the support of every Singaporean - national
servicemen, families, friends, colleagues and employers. National
Service is the only workable option to ensure our security. When National
Servicemen (NSmen) and full-time NSmen (NSFs) take their training
seriously, they help keep the SAF strong and operationally ready. Our
operational readiness is also maintained by ensuring that all equipment
is in good working order all the time, and keeping up with the latest
advancements in technology to meet new challenges in the battlefield.
The SAF has widened its capabilities to deal with non-conventional
threats such as terrorist bombings, hijackings, and chemical, biological
and radiological attacks. The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and the SAF
will continue to work with other security agencies to deal with such threats.

Civil Defence
"Taking care of your family, friends, and people around you in times of crisis"
The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) recruits and trains civil defence
volunteers in first aid, rescue and evacuation procedures, and shelter management.
The SCDF also conducts talks and exercises to familiarise the public with basic
first aid, the nearest bomb shelters and emergency arrangements like relief supply
of critical items such as blood, water and food. Participating in such exercises helps
us to be prepared. When we know what to do, we can help to save lives and property,
and ensure that life goes on as normally as possible in times of crisis. The threat of
global terrorism will be around for some time. Much has already been done to ensure
that Singapore is well protected against terrorist attacks, but security personnel cannot
be everywhere. Singaporeans can help by looking out for, and reporting, anything suspicious.

Econimic Defence
"Working and saving to achieve a better life for everyone"
When we upgrade our skills and knowledge, it helps us to stay relevant and employable
in this rapidly changing world. Our ability to embrace lifelong learning and re-training is
vital to keeping our economy competitive. When the foundation of our economy is strong,
our economy will not break down so easily in times of war or crisis. Sound policies and
practices help us withstand external shocks. Putting in place measures to keep
businesses running and maintaining stockpiles of essential items also help to keep
our economy going. By saving electricity and water, and by adopting environment-friendly
practices as a way of daily life, we are helping to conserve energy and to protect our
environment. As a result, Singapore will continue to be livable for future generations.

Social Defence
"Living in harmony, looking out for one another"
Maintaining racial and religious harmony is critical to ensuring peace and stability
in Singapore. When Singaporeans understand and are sensitive to the cultures and
traditions of one another, and build strong bonds across different ethnic groups, we
help strengthen social cohesion. As one people, we have a duty to contribute to the
community by helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us, regardless
of their race, language, religion, age or nationality. By doing so, we can further strengthen
social cohesion, and build a gracious, compassionate society.

Psychological Defence
"Singaporean and proud of it"
When Singaporeans are united in pride and passion for our country, we will stand
up to defend what is ours and protect our independence as a nation. Whatever the
crisis or challenge, our ability to overcome challenges depends on how mentally strong
we are. It is this will and the commitment of our people that will decide how strong we are as a nation.

Done By : Faruq , Danial , Jannah , Riduan & Alfi